Phil is an accomplished presenter, trainer and leadership coach. In 2007, Phil enjoyed a study tour as a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellow, researching inclusive educational practice in New Zealand and Australia.  Phil worked with the Ministry of Education (NZ) on school improvement, leadership development and quality assurance. In Queensland, Phil worked with the Department of Education on the concept of the self-managing school, inclusion and leadership issues. 


Since 2012, Phil has been involved as a consultant supporting a programme of national training for Inspectors and teacher-trainers in Algeria, organised by the British Council and the Ministry of National Education (including 10 visits).  Phil has acted as a trainer/facilitator, designing and delivering keynote presentations and workshops. In 2014 Phil enjoyed facilitating a successful Strategy Workshop for Directors at the Ministry of National Education. In 2015, Phil organised and facilitated a successful, week-long visit for a high-level delegation from the Ministry of National Education to the UK, in collaboration with the British Council; he enjoys an on-going involvement in this ambitious national reform programme. Phil enjoyed presenting workshops at the British Council's 2nd and 3rd International ELT Conferences in Algeria in 2015 and 2016.


In July 2017, Phil performed the role of Course Director for the week-long  Regional Hornby Summer School promoting inclusive practice to delegates from Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco, in collaboration with the Brritish Council.  In 2018 Phil enjoyed working with the British Council and the Ministry of Education in Montenegro, considering the impact of CPD.



 +44 (0)1258 394288


Skype - philsilvester

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